Day 3: Starting a Schedule

My children have had a bit of a free for all while my husband and I have binge-watched news updates and been glued to social media.  We decided today that it was time for a schedule.  We cannot have all three children glued to screens all day.  When that happens, as I'm sure you've seen, they become cranky, irritable, and meaner to each other.  This is because being on a screen actually harms the brain. 

There have been studies that compare screen time use to cocaine use! If taking away a screen causes a meltdown we shouldn't be surprised as being on that screen activates the same areas of the brain that drugs do. 

Today, cutting down screen time was my goal...  here's what we came up with.

We looked at this schedule that is making the social media rounds first.
After attempting this schedule, we realized that our morning walk was FREEZING and we were practically pushing the children out the door.

So, we changed this to make it our own....

Now is a good time to think about making a schedule for your family.  When children do not have limits or a predictable schedule they often act out because they do not feel safe.  Remember, children are looking to us for guidance on how to perceive the information they are hearing and seeing.  A schedule of daily expectations help them (and you) stay focused and a bit busy.  That means you don't have time to worry and let your mind wander.  


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