Ice Cream Study Begins!

Summer Scoops

It started out as an idea from last year.  We'll go to a variety of ice cream parlors and decide who has the best ice cream of the summer.   A whole summer passed without organizing one ice cream trip.  

This May, at the end of our school year we decided to resurrect the ice cream idea.  Over Facebook we decided on a day and time to meet.  We even found an Ohio Guide to Ice Cream to start us off.   To see that guide click Ohio Ice Cream Trail.

We planned to start our own ice cream study today!  When we arrived we each decided what we would get.  Some people, like my daughter, planned to get the same flavor at each place.  

Emi wants to find the best Mint Chocolate Chip, for example.  

My seven year old is on a mission to find the most unique flavor.  He is eating "Play Doh", which is vanilla ice cream with chunks of sugar cookie in a waffle cone bowl.  

Wes, my youngest, enjoyed "Cookie Monster". I had Mint Chocolate Chip in a waffle bowl.  It was delicious.  Wes and I are just along for the ride... enjoying a different flavor at each location.  

So, first up on the ice cream study of 2019...

Brayson's Ice Cream Parlor

June 5, 2019  *   5840 Ridge Rd, Parma, Ohio 44129


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