Resources and Inspirations

If you've been avoiding facebook (which I understand) you could be missing out on some great resources to get you through this quarantine!  I have just a few listed here.  Feel free to share!

You Are Enough article from PBS!

Looking for resources to do at home with little ones?  A complete list can be found on this link!

And for the younger ones and any children struggling with the "why" we aren't at school, social stories can help.  Here's one from Conscious Discipline (By Dr. Becky Bailey). 

Struggling with Learning at Home?

And while you're starting up remote learning/ homeschooling/ learning at home (or whatever you choose to call it), I urge you to read this and remember that this is NOT homeschooling.  It is uncharted territory.  

Great YouTube Channels to give you a break:

"Grandma reads to preschooler" is a channel where one of MY college professor's reads books to children!  Subscribe for quality stories from an amazing reader! :)

My own preschool started a YouTube channel called Dandelion Learning.  All the teachers (me included) take turns posting videos of activities or stories for our families to do at home. 

Want to draw?  Learn from one of the best.  Mo Willems, my FAVORITE author and illustrator, hosts "Lunch Doodles with Mo!".  


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