FINALLY made it to Reggio-Emilia, Italy!!!

Thursday, March 30th
 We began by flying from Cleveland to New York and then New York to Milan!

2:00 am our time, but 7:00am here.  The flight attendants woke everyone up on the plane by saying, “Good morning!”  and serving breakfast.  Julie and I got very little sleep. L

Once we landed we got in a HUGE LINE to show our passports and get our luggage.  Then, we freshened up in the bathrooms and looked for the bus to take us to the train station.  The bus was packed!  At the train station we walked from one end to the other to find the spot to leave our luggage. 

In Milan, off the taxi and on to find "The Last Supper" painting.
Then, off to a taxi to see Milan!  We had missed our tour, but planned to go there anyway to see if we could catch anything.  We did!  After a small snack and a REAL cappuccino we saw the Last Supper painting by Leonardo DiVinci.  Then, we walked and walked and walked looking for the Domo (huge church).  We ended up taking a cab and finally found it.  It was surrounded by huge buildings and shopping.  In the center were so many tourists and there were fruit vendors walking around handing out apples!  We walked through the walkway and saw Versace, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and lots of other expensive stores!  I found a purse for $4,000.

The FAST TRAIN was wonderful.  We had trouble loading our luggage and finding a spot to store it, but once we got settled everyone relaxed.  Then, we found the beverage/ bar cart!  At our stop in Reggio-Emilia we were so ready to exit and did so super fast!  

A huge taxi later and we found our hotel and got in our rooms.  It was 7:30pm.  

We quickly changed and headed for a restaurant the hotel recommended:  Ristorante Canossa.  It was a course by course menu and most of us guessed on what we ordered.  The appetizers were delicious!  Spaghetti, spinach ravioli, spicy penne, and tortellini soup!  Then we tried scaloppini (thin veal) and Milanese (breaded pork).  Then, grappa (yuck!).  The Lambrusco was so tasty; a chilled red wine!  Finally, back at the hotel and in bed by 12:30am. 


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